Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Photoshop newbie!

so this is kind of the first time i'm really using Photoshop, i took some pathetic classes in school on it, learning the basics, but i still find it much more difficult than illustrator :P
here are some of the projects i had to make for my midterms:

collage about me... and everything i identify with i guess :D

this is a collage of a guy i took some pictures of to show the urban life in Peru

this is a metamorphosis of my sister into a fox..

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


i was cleaning out the junk saved on my laptop, and found this, designs created by my friends and me for a group project last semester. never got around to posting it, so now i will.

the project was: create a fashion brand and design what the paper work, choose the name, colors, target group and what style you're going to focus on.

so my team (Vale, Karo, Andrea and me) decided on the name Aklla, meaning chosen one (elegida), our compeny designs high fashion couture cloths with colors and inca symbols.


1) Monograma / Modulo
2) Logo

3) CD / Modulo a color

4) Hoja membretada

5) Tarjeta de presentacion / Sobre